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Saturday, 3 August 2013

no bestfriends is better what!

today , i would like to share bout something, that tore my little, tiny, cute heart.
it happened bout a month ago...
a friend of mine, someone i've known for a very long time, indeed.
what she did was something unforgiveable, but i've already forgive her. even the Prophet Muhammad can forgive his Ummah, why can't I?
but, here. i won't state what she has already done but frankly speaking, she wasn't my friend anymore the day since. technically, i was hurt deeply inside. she doesn't respect me as her friend. did she ever think of me as her friend? i don't know. deeply inside this tiny little heart, i am hurt. still hurt. people thought that i am okay with everything, but damn it. i can't take it no longer. a friendship has already broken into pieces... that's why no bestfriends is better what..

Wednesday, 29 May 2013

cinta itu tak semestinya memiliki

 hari ni... saya rasa saya dah faham apa maknanya CINTA itu...
hmm... tak semestinya memiliki...
tak semestinya menerima
tapi selalu memberi...
yes, i've given you all my love...
and nothing else left for myself,
haha, sadis kan?
yes, sadis sebab awak tak faham tahu?
awak langsung tak faham...
ceh, sedih habis saya ni...
yes, i keep making mistake in my life....
mistake in falling in love with you
but, you're never with me
you never feel it.
am i a toy?
you're such a heartbreaker.
talking to my friend yesterday, it seems that you are totally rubbish. im playing with my heart. i made it play by you. we're both rubbish... totally...


assalamualaikum w.b.t..
apa maksudnya cik adik oi?
haha, nothing lha.. just a moment please, a story that begins with...
on my birthday, the man i love sang me a selamat ulang tahun, sayang song by imran ajmain.
damn nice! eh, i feel like crying now...
but, now. he is away from me. so far away...
he's in japan now. yeah, indeed. for all this tima, he has been away from me but when he is there, in another country, i feel like dying inside of me.
eh, crazy isnt it?

but, this is what i feel inside... love, but he doesnt understand me..
but, still i respect him..
he once said this:
if you had your heart on me, put it aside. i dont want u to hurt. its not the time for coupling. i have my own ambition and i wanna grab it before loving somebody.
that's it! this is my man. tha right man for me.
o, Allah. keep my heart still strong for him. only him. no others...insyaallah. and, put love for me in his heart. only me as his girl...

Friday, 8 February 2013

awak tak faham agaknya?

hari ni ada citer tak best lha
boring, menyakitkan hati yang sudah sedia SAKIT nie..
awak tak faham agaknya?
kenapa awak suka post2 benda mcm tu?
awak suka sgt nak tunjuk pd semua org, pd saya ni yg awak tu hot ke?
awak ni...
tak faham agaknya apa saya rasa pd awak?
ke awak memang suka buat saya rasa mcm tu?
sakit hati dan sebagainya
awak tahu tak, awak buat mcm tu,
awak tak nampak pun mcm mana reaksi saya...
ms cinderella tu siapa?
suka2 aje bagi awak hadiah...
saya tahu awak mesti kata saya sibuk je nak marah2
ea, saya peduli apa?
geramnya rasa hati...

p/s: can't u see that i'm the one who understand u
      been here all along so why can't u see
      u belong with me....

Wednesday, 23 January 2013

form 3 tak guna

lama tak update
now i got a story
kesian dengan batch aku
kurang ajar betul Form 3
kau orang ingat kau buat macam ini kita orang nak diam jelah
sampai mati kau kena caci
tak guna
kau jangan ingat kau bagus ea
tak reti BERSYUKUR
 tau tak?
syukur lah patutnya dapat senior sebaik kita orang ni
senior kau orang selama ini kan jahat
sebab tu kau orang jadi jahat
ee, aku rasa nak mencarut kat kau lah MURSYID TAK GUNA!!!
geramnya aku...
aku benci kau